Thursday, March 1, 2012


Babygirl. Today you are seven months old. I still can't understand how time goes by so quickly. But, it does and here we are.

You have the sweetest little personality. You are almost always happy. We haven't hit the separation anxiety stage yet (and I'm hoping we never will!). You still go to anyone who wants to see you. You grab their nose or their ears and give them a big ole smile :)

Last week you got your first two teeth. I didn't even know you were teething! There was no crying or fever or sign of discomfort. You handled that like a champ!

You are so close to crawling. You can scoot anywhere you want to go, kind of like a military crawl, but you haven't quite figured out how to put it all together. But you get closer everyday. The other night you were up on hands and knees rocking back and forth, so I know it won't be long!!

I hardly get to spend any time with you right now because of tax season and it is killing me. The only thing that gets me through is knowing that you don't even know the difference right now.  I know it will be even harder when you are older and realize I'm gone. Maybe by then your daddy will let me stay home ;)

I love you so much, Brylee girl. Don't you ever forget it!!


  1. Okay I could have written this post word for word! Kate is at the same stage (so close to crawling, just a few teeth, happy personality). It is SUCH a fun age and I'm sad I'm missing so much of it because of tax season! :( Just 6 more weekends and we have a life again.

  2. I'm super glad I found your blog, it's been fun to watch another little girl that is so close in age to Brylee hit her milestones :) and with an accountant momma who knows what I'm going through! we're almost there!!
