Monday, February 27, 2012

I Wish I...

Have you ever happened upon a blog and after reading only a few entries you feel like you've known them forever? Or that you want to be their best friend? That's how I felt when I found Kelly's Korner. She is just so sweet and has two adorable girls. I look forward to reading her posts every day! Kelly is honest, caring, funny, and beautiful. But above everything, she is God-fearing and she is humble. Today she posted about things that she is not. It is always nice to know that I am not alone in the struggle of wanting to be something I'm just not.

All of that to say that I though I would mimick Kelly's post and list some things that I am not, but wish I was.

*I am not a good cook. My (awesome) momma had dinner cooked for us every night. A real meal, not some heat-it-up-in-the-oven kind of thing. We're talkin the real deal. I wish I could do that. I want my family to sit down to a home cooked meal every night.  But I just can't do it. I know there are lots of moms who work full-time and pull it off. I'm not one of them.

*I am not a morning person. When I wake up I'm grumpy!! Don't talk to me. Don't look at me. Just give me a good thirty minutes to turn into a real person. I would love to be one of those people who can jump out of bed in the morning, eager to get things started. My husband says 'you just gotta get up'. I say 'just 5 more minutes!!'

*I am not good at having a quiet time. This one corresponds to the morning person thing. Every few weeks I give myself a pep talk. It goes something like this: 'okay, Lindsey. you really need to start spending some time in the Bible and praying every morning. it would seriously help you have better days. you need to get yourself out of bed in the mornings and spend time with God. okay. you got this. starting TOMORROW you're going to get out of bed when your alarm goes off.' And you know what? It still hasn't happened. So why don't you pray for me about that? Because I know its important and I need to get on the ball!!

*I am not athletic. No if's and's or but's about it. I can't throw a ball straight. I can't run further than 30 feet without getting winded. I have zero hand-eye coordination. I love to watch sports, and a lot of times I wish I could participate. But I'll stay on the sidelines, for my safety as well as everyone elses :)

I could go on and on about everything that I'm not, but I thought I would add a few things that I am. So excuse me while I brag a little =P

* I am a great mother. There are a lot of things I question about myself, but I know (at least right now) that I am a great mother. It is the one thing in life that I really feel like I am good at. God created me to be a mom. My heart is never happier than when I am with my girl. Nothing has ever come as naturally to me as being a momma. And I love every single minute of it.

*I am a good listener. I can sit and listen to someone for hours. I may get a little tired of hearing the same thing over and over, but I don't show it. I may not always have advice, but I can probably come up with some way to make you feel better. And I will always, always listen.

*I am a good friend. If you need me, I'm there. I will drop everything to help a friend. I fell in love with this same quality in my husband. Sometimes this can be a bad thing, I tend to get trampled on from time to time, but that hasn't stopped me from being the friend that is there every time, no matter what.

This post has gotten way too long, so I think I'll leave it at that :)

What is it that you are not??


  1. My 2 cents.
    You don't have to try to actively spend time with God. You spend every day with God. If God is all powerful, then God knows all of your thoughts. Prayer is not limited to eyes closed, head bowed, and hands clasped.

    1. I completely agree with you that prayer is not limited, that we can pray all day every day. And also that God knows all of my thoughts. He definitely does, and that in itself is a scary thought!

      But I also think that it is important to spend one-on-one, uninterrupted time with God. To be still and listen to whatever He may be trying to say to me :) I just wish I could be more disciplined about it!
