Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

This is the first time I've ever participated in a link-up. And honestly, although I love lots of things, there's not a lot going on in my life other than WORK to love right now. But I'll do my best :)

I'm loving the time change. It's so nice to leave work when it's still light out! Even if I'm not leaving until 7.

I'm loving that Brylee is a good sleeper. I hear so many horror stories about babies staying up all night and I'm so glad that I can put B to bed at 8 and have to wake her up at 6:50 to get her to my mom's house.

I'm loving this house plan. It's honestly a little on the big side for me, I don't think I want that much square footage, and I definitely wasn't planning on a 3 car garage. But Robert loves the garage and he wants a bigger house... we still have a long time to make these decisions! I just love love love the master bedroom in this plan. Love.

I'm loving that there is only a month of tax season left! Momma needs some quality time with her girl!!!

And finally...

I'm loving my husband, who is a quarter of a century old today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVERFACE :)


  1. Found ya on the link up! And welcome to Link ups! Lucky for you to have such a sound sleeper! And happy bday to your hub, my hubs turns 25 next week!

    1. How neat that their birthdays are close! I love your puppy posts (: we have 2 furrbabies and I definitely don't miss the puppy days!!

  2. The time change is great, isn't it? I didn't really love losing an hour of sleep but I love the extra daylight!

    1. Exactly! Losing an hour was rough, but I'm glad that it's at least still light out when I leave work now!

  3. I hope your husband had a great birthday! :)

    Dropping by from WILW.

    1. Well thanks!! He's actually been a little under the weather, but I think we'll celebrate this weekend :)

      Thanks for stopping by!
