Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Half Birthday!!

Brylee girl. You're 6 months old! I can't believe how fast these last 6 months have gone. The days in the hospital with you felt like hours. The 6 weeks I had to stay home with you, cuddle you constantly, watch you while you slept and see you change every day flew by. And now I have been back at work for 20 weeks and 3 days (but who's counting?) and you are SIX MONTHS OLD!

You can sit up on your own now. I won't lie, I'm pretty excited about this milestone. I am such a proud momma watching you sit on the floor and play with your toys like you've been doing it for forever.

Daddy discovered a few days ago that you love to hang upside down or be thrown in the air.  Looks like you might turn out to be a little dare-devil like him :) Your daddy is itching to get you in your first powerwheels/go-kart/something with a motor. I'm scared to death, but I know there's no use in putting up a fight.

Grammy and Pops got you a swing for Christmas. You think its pretty cool :) I love to watch you smile and giggle while I push you in it!

The dogs are finally starting to notice you and vice versa. You giggle up a storm while they sniff and lick you all over. I hope you love them, they're great dogs. First you have to learn that you can't pull their hair!

It's not a secret that I wanted to have a boy.  Having a little girl was not in my plan. But, as you'll hopefully learn throughout life, God's plan is ALWAYS better than anything we could imagine ourselves. I am so very thankful for you, babygirl. You make my life so much brighter and I'm so glad you're a girl :) I try not to think about your pre-teen and teenage years, because honestly that's just more than I can handle right now.  But I know that God gave you to me so that I could learn something, and I have no doubt that you will teach me numerous life lessons.

I am so excited about watching you grow up and consider myself blessed beyond measure that you are my daughter.

Happy Half-Birthday, B!

As my gift to you, I will (hopefully) be blogging more about the ups and downs of being a first-time-mom. I hope that you will be able to read all about your baby/toddler/childhood years and know just how much I love you!

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie! Thanks for finding me through Kelly's Korner. Our daughter, Kate, is actually 6 months old today so I will be posting a half-birthday post soon! Good luck getting your CPA certification, and I'm looking forward to following you!
