Thursday, February 23, 2012


Well tax season has definitely hit hard & fast this year!! Two weeks in and I'm am dragging. Physically, emotionally, mentally.  I go home every night and my brain hurts. I want to sit down and space out.

I feel absolutely terrible that I only have about an hour (give or take 30 minutes) to spend with Brylee every night. On Fridays & Saturdays I get a little bit longer, but not much. Then there's Sunday. I love going to church to worship and also to fellowship with my friends and family there. It's a great breath of fresh air each week. But now I find myself being selfish with my time with B. Last tax season I missed a Sunday here and there because I was just too tired to get out of bed.  This year I am reluctant to give up 3 more hours I could be spending with Brylee. I won't lie, it's a hard decision!!  I haven't missed yet (we're only 2 weeks in, haha!), but I'm considering staying home this week to cuddle and play with my girl.

Speaking of Brylee, she is officially a 'scooter' as of yesterday.  She can now scoot herself around the room wherever her little heart desires.  While I'm proud of her, I'm also mourning the loss of my itty-bitty baby :( I never quite understood what it was like to watch your kids grow up. The cliche drives me nuts when I hear it, but it's just going by so quickly!!

Here's a picture Grammy took of Brylee and her cousin Londyn earlier this week enjoying the pretty weather

I am SO BLESSED that my mom (Grammy) watches my girl every day. I never have to worry about her, I know she has the best care possible!!

I taught myself how to knit last year, and now I'm working on my crocheting skills. I recently found these SUPER adorable crocheted boots here and have been working on figuring out the pattern. I hope mine turn out as cute as hers!!!

Aren't they just precious?!

That's all I've got for today. Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. I am right there with you! Busy season is a beast! Good luck getting through it, and good luck on the adorable boots for your adorable little girl!
