Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Moving Right Along

I have got to get better about blogging between Wednesdays! At least this link-up helps me to blog once a week.

Once again, I'm a little lacking on the 'love' front today. More this week than any week before. I literally cannot come up with anything I'm loving other than Brylee & Robert. And that's just sad! Lets see if I can come up with something...anything!!

This week I am loving...

That my sweet husband brought me a giant snocone at work yesterday. I have been begging him to bring one to me at work for a few weeks now. He finally gave in yesterday and BOY did he deliver! It was 32 oz of pure awesome.

That I have decided to go see the Houston Astros play next weekend for my 25th birthday. I have been struggling with what to do for my birthday. I love celebrating my birthday, but now that I am an accountant it always falls the weekend after tax season. The good part of that is that we always get a 3 day weekend that weekend. The bad part is that my house is pretty much a disaster since I have hardly been home at all for the past 2 1/2 months. So I struggle with whether I should be lazy all weekend or do something for my birthday.

My sweet, sweet little girl. The (second) best thing that has ever happened to me. Always & forever!

My life has been absolutely consumed in tax season. We have 6 days until April 17th, but only 4 of them are work days. I'm actually in pretty good shape as far as returns go, but that really doesn't make the approaching deadline any less stressful. Pretty much everyone in my office is at their breaking point. You can feel the tension! And I work in an office that is fairly laid back. I would hate to be in one of those high stress big-wig firms. I wouldn't make it!!

By this time next week I will be DONE with tax season #2!

What are you loving this week?


  1. Yay for tax season being almost over! Do you get weekends off? I will definitely be working ALL day Saturday and I'm really hoping that I don't have to work Sunday too. So far I've done pretty good about not working on Sundays. I had to go in for a few hrs right before March 15th, but that's it. I'm not so sure I can get out of this Sunday though. :( But THEN I'm taking Thursday and Friday off next week. YAY for a real life again!!

    1. I've been working Saturdays since February, but my firm encourages us to spend Sundays with our families. They also encourage us to get everything done by Friday when the deadline is on Monday or Tuesday so we don't have to come in on the last weekend. That's what I'm shooting for. I may have to come in on Saturday, but I'm trying really hard not to! I will probably just extend my last few returns :)

      We close at noon on the day of the deadline and we will have Friday off. Thankfully!! Then it's back to work on payroll reports! Ha!!

      Either way it's close and I'm so excited!! I know you are, too :)

  2. I've been trying to convince my hubby to go to an Astros game with me. they're so fun! hope you had a great birthday!!

    hope you had a great weekend :)

    {I have a giveaway going on right now. Love for you to enter!}

    1. thankfully I don't have to do much convincing! We love to go, sometimes it is just hard to make the time.

      Thanks for dropping by! I noticed you live in college station (by the movie ticket!). I have a pretty good handful of friends there :)

      I hope you had a wonderful weekend, also!
