Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday: 3

It's that time again. Time to re-cap what I'm loving this week. I want to be completely honest here and let y'all know that this is getting increasingly harder the closer we get to April 15th 17th. I'm really not loving a whole lot right now and it was difficult to come up with more than 'I love my daughter' & 'I love my husband'. But here goes...

I'm loving this crochet blanket that I was planning on finishing on our 'roadtrip' this weekend. That trip needs its own post, but lets just say I was way too tired to do anything other than stare out of the window for the umpteen hours we were in the car. Anyway, I'm pretty excited about the blanket! It is my first crochet blanket and I love the pattern! I can't wait to finish it!

I'm loving the Easter Basket I bought for Brylee yesterday at Target! I let her play with the stuffed chick last night and she loved it :) She kept rubbing her face in the soft fur(?). So sweet!

And of course...

I'm loving my precious girl. Only 11 more work days until I get some REAL quality time with this chick!

Oh yea! I'm loving the signature I figured out how to make for my blog posts! It's nothing fancy, but I'm excited about it anyway :)

What are you loving this Wednesday? Head on over to This Kind of Love and see what everyone else is loving!


  1. Your little girl is TOO precious! Good luck getting through the next couple of weeks! :)

  2. Only two more weeks! Can't wait til we have our weekends back.

  3. She is just a doll!! I'm sure she'll love her basket:)

  4. That is an adorable easter basket and duck!


  5. Really like your blog!
    A wonderful post!

    Have you got an account in instagram?
    If yes, write me your name!

  6. That crochet blanket is GORGEOUS! And your daughter? The most beautiful thing! Hope you're having a fabulous Easter weekend!

  7. Such a beautiful little girl! Enjoying catching up on your blog! :)

  8. Thank you ladies!!! I like to think she's pretty cute :)
