Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday Ramblings

I feel like I need to get this out there in the blogosphere. I am not a morning person. At all. I basically hate mornings. And I don't try to hide it. Along these same lines, I'm not a Monday person. More like I'm not an 'end of the weekend' person. Even though I've been working since I was a teenager, I still struggle with having to go to work every week. Mondays are always my wake-up calls to the real world. So here I am, sitting at my desk wishing for my weekend back.

Maybe recaping will be a good way to get it back...

Friday was beach day. B & I spent a day at the beach with our sweet friends from church. I guess saying 'beach' is slightly misleading since there were neither sand nor salt water included in our trip. My friend's cabin is on the Bay side and the temperature was slightly too cool to venture down to the water, so we relaxed on her awesome deck and soaked up some rays. I tried to do a little fishing while Brylee was asleep, but as soon as I caught my first perch she woke up!! Spending a lazy day in the sunshine was just what I needed!

We had to head home a little earlier than planned because there was a storm coming in and I didn't want to drive home in the rain. It worked out well, though, because we were able to make it to my Nanna's (77th!) birthday dinner at Black Eyed Pea.

On Saturday I stayed at home for the morning & afternoon with B. Robert was taking a concealed handgun license class (just what he needs...) for the day so I got in some much needed snuggles and cleaned the house up some. My babysitter came over at about 3 o'clock and I got ready to head out to see the Astro's game! There were 8 of us altogether that went. We got to the game a little late and left a little early, but I had a good time (and that's what matters, right? I mean, I was the birthday girl after all! ha!). We got home earlier than I expected, around 10.

Sunday was a typical Sunday...we went to church in the morning and spent the afternoon at my parents house celebrating my birthday. My mom made me a huge homecooked meal (at my request since I've hardly had anything homecooked the last few months). We had chicken sopa, salad, fruit salad, corn on the cob & cheesy garlic bread. It was so good! I opened my gifts & then spent the rest of the afternoon sitting on the porch swing enjoying the pretty weather.

I went to church Sunday evening and visited while the athletic people played volleyball.

OH! I can't forget about the part where I went running on Wednesday & Sunday. I've been so sore, but at least I did it, right? I'm still not able to do the full amount of running time. I figure I'll keep doing the week 1 workout until I can actually do it and then move on to week 2. I actually ran on my own road last night and it wasn't too bad.

I know this post is a lot of words and no pictures, but I'll try to get pictures up later this week. And also do a more in-depth post about my ventures in jogging.

Hope you're having a great Monday!!

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