Wednesday, October 1, 2014


It's really kind of embarrassing to admit that I've gotten to this point. Admitting I have a problem is the first step, right? HA!

It has come to my attention, partially on my own, but mostly at the urging of people I respect in my life, that Facebook has become a large distraction in my life. I check it first thing when I wake up & last thing before I go to bed. I even go so far as to sometimes browse through it after I have been woken up by one of my children in the wee hours of the morning. I use the excuse that it helps my mind to relax and drift back to sleep, but who am I kidding??

I find myself zoned out in front of my phone far more often than I would like. While the kids play on the swing-set. While I ride in the car with my family. While I 'watch a movie' with B. It has become an addiction. I know for a fact I'm not the only one who struggles with it.

I'm quickly realizing that the phrase 'The days are long but the years are short' is so true. My kids are growing up before my eyes & I'm glued to a silly website watching what everyone else's kids are doing. I have to ask myself, when did everyone else's lives become more important, more captivating, more worthy of my time than my own children's lives?? Y'all. I'm ashamed.

And the worst part is, I'm seriously struggling with just getting rid of it. I have family literally all over the world. Russia, Australia, England, Canada, sometimes Korea just to name a few**. I love that I can hop onto Facebook & see what is going on with them. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do about that. Deleting Facebook all together means that I won't be able to see pictures of my family or hear updates about what is going on in their lives.

Anyways, the point to this big long rant is that whatever happens, I do plan to stop posting on Facebook & hopefully make 1 or 2 posts a week here on the blog with photos & updates. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can cut the probably close to 20hrs/week I spend on Facebook down to a couple blog posts. Only time will tell if it works out :)

**Disclaimer: I purposefully didn't list India because my brother doesn't have a Facebook, so India doesn't count in this case. I didn't forget my only brother!

If you've made it this far, I'll leave you with some pictures of my awesome kids as a reward :) :)

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