Monday, February 14, 2011


so it has come to my attention that there are some people out there who may not get my humor as well as i would like them to. or maybe they just don't agree with me, and that's okay, too. because we can't all agree all the time. either way, i decided i would try to clarify things for the 2 people who actually read my blog (since i blog SO often...)

it is a WELL known fact that i want a baby boy very, very badly. i just LOVE boys. in my perfect little world i would have a family of 4 boys. i feel like i understand boys. i feel comfortable around boys.

and then there's little girls. lets start with my life experience with girls. [[disclaimer :: this is all a sort of blanket statement, and we all know there are exceptions to the rule. i mean c'mon, i've had a female best friend since 7th grade, we lived together for a year and we have not, to date, had one fight.]] i've never seen eye-to-eye with most girls. girls are messy, that's my favorite way to describe them. and not messy in a 'playing in the mud' kind of way. messy in a 'crazy drama, mean words, etc' kind of way.

ALLLLL of this being said....

we find out what our precious little baby is on March 8th (my best friend's 24th birthday!!). and whether there is a little girl or a little boy growing inside of me, i am going to LOVE that child more than anything, ever. i ALREADY love him/her more than anything in the world. our kiddo is going to get more love than he/she will know what to do with.

so, yes, i have made it known that i desperately want a little boy. and i joke around that if it's a girl i will send her back. but i'm not serious, come ON. i joke about little girls because i am SCARED TO DEATH of raising a little girl. i will be completely out of my comfort zone and flying blind. but i will learn. and i will love her with all of my heart and then some.

so please don't worry about my children being loved. worry about something else.

thanks =]


  1. Lindsey

    It's O.K. to have a preference and anyone who knows you or Robert knows that your baby will be loved a lot. I hope you get your little boy but if you don't (and remember God does have a sense of humor) I am confident that she will be as special as any baby boy. But God really likes to see us out of our comfort zone so I am confident that you will be having a girl. LOL.

  2. Lilou! If you have a little girl, just send her my way. :) I feel the exact opposite.. not that I'm expecting, but yannow.. one day. Either way, you are going to be a FANTASTIC mom no matter what kind of baby you have. You basically raised me my senior year, so you have that to put on your parental resume. :) I love you way much, and don't let people get you down. Just be happy, cause a happy mom makes a happy, healthy baby! Love you tons, sister. xox,
