Friday, June 3, 2011

Happy & Blessed

I am the happiest girl in the world right now. It's the little things =]

I'll admit I've been stressing lately over all the things we have left to buy before Brylee gets here. We need a stroller & a car seat, a crib, a changing table, a rocker/glider, a pack&play. Those are just the major purchases. Then there's the REALLY major purchase, the new baby-mobile that momma needs.

And I keep thinking to myself 'How will we afford all of this?'. If you want good quality items, they don't come cheaply. I've been scheming and planning how we will get each item, what is actually necessary and what is not. What we need right away and what can wait a month or two or six.

Today I got the urge to take my lunchbreak early and run by Babies-R-Us. They are having a 15% off sale on stroller/carseat systems and pack&plays, but only on In-Store items. I thought I would run by and see what they had in the store since so far I've only checked online. I pretty much struck out in that category, they only keep the expensive stuff in the stores so 15% off isn't really all that much help.

I thought I would mosey on over to the furniture section since we have yet to purchase any nursery furniture. AMAZINGLY there was a crib, same style & color that we want, for $100!! In case you haven't done any baby furniture shopping lately, that's a REALLY good deal. The one we were planning on buying next week is $230, and that's middle-of-the-road as far as pricing goes.

I was reminded for the second time today that my God is bigger than my needs & my finances. My God knows exactly what I need and He will provide if I let Him.

I'm just so excited =]

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